New album coming from EMAD ARMOUSH!!!
New album coming from EMAD ARMOUSH entitled ‘ELECTRITRADITION’ November 2nd, 2023.
“What is more intimate than a duet? At its best, this most revealing of musical formats can be a true meeting of minds, and when the duo partners are friends as well as colleagues, an extra layer of warmth is usually apparent. That’s especially audible on ElectriTradition, in which Damascus-born, Vancouver-based multi-instrumentalist Emad Armoush teams up with friends old and new to explore soulful and inventive sonic landscapes.
All five of Armoush’s guests—clarinetist Francois Houle, violinist Jesse Zubot, drummer Kenton Loewen, trumpet player JP Carter, and cellist Marina Hasselberg—enter fully into his world, just as he enhances theirs. Every pairing emerges fully formed, no matter how disparate the contributors, making for a deliciously varied but ultimately coherent whole.
New album coming November 2023!